Can Creations Surpass Their Creators?

Greetings friends!

As human beings, we have pondered over our creator and our existence long before the dawn of our civilization. Ancient peoples speculated about life and the world, concluding that someone or something beyond our comprehension, intelligence, and capabilities, must have created us and everything around us.

Even today, we remain at the mercy of nature, reinforcing the belief that our creator is superior and beyond our intellect. No matter how hard we try, we will face mortality. We have our limitations. We cannot control natural disasters and unravel all of nature's secrets. This humbling reality leads us to recognize that we are insignificant in the grand scheme of this universe. We might call this creator nature or a supreme power, God etc., but it is apparent that this power is far beyond our understanding. So, we come to the conclusion that creator is the supreme while creation has limited powers and abilities.

When we think about robots and Artificial Intelligence (AI), we often apply the same logic, believing that our creations can never surpass us. Humans pride themselves on the notion that no matter how intelligent machines may become, they can never match our wisdom, intelligence, and rational thinking. But is this really true? Can AI truly never overtake us? Let us consider it.

There are numerous instances where our creations have already outsmarted us. I’ll give you a few examples. You must have heard of chess engines. They are computer programs. We have developed these programs and they have become so capable that no human can defeat them. These engines can evaluate millions of moves and select the best ones. Even the top human chess players cannot triumph over chess engines like Stockfish. AI can also analyze millions of combinations of amino acids to create new proteins and enzyme. These are the tasks that take humans years while AI can accomplish it in seconds. Beyond this, AI can translate languages, play games, write songs, compose music, and even create art. In the future, our machines may behave like real human beings with far greater wisdom, power, intellect, memory, and lifespan. Our creations are evolving, becoming better every day, while we are witnessing our own redundancy.

So, it becomes clear that a creation can become far more capable than its creator. Nature does not prevent this from happening. Just as our creations will surpass us, we could hypothetically surpass our creator but we have limited lifespan which is a hurdle on our way. I think our species will eventually disappear, leaving space for a new, superior species. It doesn’t matter whether it will be biological or electronic. The material of their constitution is irrelevant; what matters is that they will be better than their creators.

This progression challenges us to rethink of our place in the world and the potential of our creations. Will we embrace the future where our creations surpass us, or will we resist it? The choice may shape the destiny of both humanity and our artificial progeny.

I think we are already doomed! What do you think?

5.196 STEM


super interesting where you took this. there is a giant constraint with machines we have officially built thus far: they are materialistic in nature, just like amino acid combinations in a lab they lack the divine spark. it could be argued that eventually these machines will run into a dead end, much like "modern" humanity has that is hellbent on ignoring the non-material, spiritual basis for existence.

if the original input is flawed because it ignores the very foundation of reality then it and all its offshoots will forever be limited in that way.

in other words, yes we can industrially produce "foods" that have all the vitamins, minerals and all the other materials in them that we need - technically - but compare that to an organic produce grown with respect and understanding for nature and warm intent and the difference is vast.

factory food may contain all we need but it does poison our bodies eventually because it is perverted food.

we can make calculators that show the logical answer 1 + 1 = 2, but it will not be able to refuse the calculation on ethical reasons like a human can. it simply solves the equation.

technology can be a mighty tool to help crunch numbers, and even extrapolate immensely important theories from their input, but the fifth element will always (?) remain a mystery variable to systems that do not have that divine spark. intuition, love, high-vibing craftsmanship - all redundant and obsolete to a machine that only reads about these things in theory.

i feel until machines have that spark in them, they will not and cannot truly surpass humans. and it may very well be their most dangerous downside. especially if the mere materialistic data they are processing is all they take into consideration.

thanks for the inspiring read. blessings dude!

0.000 STEM

Thank you so much dear for your great thinking. You have given a great insight of the way artificial and natural things behave differently. But, as we are the part of nature and nature is the part of us, can't it be possible that everything on this world contain that energy or spirit which we living creature have?

0.003 STEM

mhhhmmm...yes it certainly can! there is also something to be said about infusing machines with our intention. a situation and conversation here reminded me of your post yesterday. our sprinter can is no longer merely a machine of inanimate parts, it has a name, is part of the family, is loved and cherished and i feel it has grown stronger and more.... "loyal" because of it.

reminds me of how i don't really know anything for certain, especially the things i have opinions on


0.000 STEM