Thoughts About the Upcoming 'Creator's Subscription' Feature for INLEO...


A few months ago, @khaleelkazi of the INLEO Team announced they're planning for a feature that allows users to lock some of their content behind a paywall. If you use this feature, other users can subscribe to you and read your "subscribers only" content.

The feature was nicknamed OnlyLeos for a while, and some of us kept asking about it on INLEO's AMA for a few months, but (like #LeoAI) that feature wasn't at the top of the priority list.

Last week, @khaleelkazi confirmed that this feature, now named "Creator's Subscription" is currently being developed, and we'll get to try it as soon as it gets ready. So, below I'll talk about what I know about "Creator's Subscription," what it could be used for, and what I features wish to have along with it.

1. Content Behind Paywall

The most basic usage of the Creator's Subscription is to lock some or all of your content behind a paywall. While threading, there will be an option to choose if your thread will be visible to "Subscribers Only." I'm sure it'll be the same for long-form posts!

2. Encryption

This is the most important aspect of the Creator's Subscription model. The ability to put encrypted text on the blockchain that can only be seen by people subscribed to you. Not only this monetizes your content, but it also protects it from LLMs that use the Hive Blockchain as one of their machine-learning sources.

We have yet to know if LeoAI is able to read the content, though. After all, INLEO should have access to the decryption method for this data.

3. API ...?

I don't know if this feature will have an API, but I heard that INLEO has API access to some of its features, so I hope this is one of them.

It'll be great for HIVE developers to be able to see who's subscribed to their account on INLEO!

I can think of many use cases for this, even for my bot for HIVE. I want to add a paid feature that let you make the bot tag other people along with the reminder, and making INLEO's Creator's Subscriptions handle the payment part will be a godsend!

4. Features I think Will be Good to Have

The ability to blacklist certain people from subscribing to you will be good. If someone on your blacklist tries to subscribe, their money will be sent back to them. There's a flaw in this because someone can just create a new account to view your content, but it'll still be useful.

I also heard that you might be able to modify the subscription fee for your account. If there was the ability to make it Free, it'll be a great way to make use of the encryption feature without forcing people to pay you to view your content. If this is real, I see infinite potential in it!

@taskmaster4450/@taskmaster4450le talked a lot about this feature in his Lion's Den X/Twitter spaces. It's not my most awaited feature for INLEO. (That would be LeoAI.) I still can't wait for the launch of 'Creator's Subscription!'

What do you think?

Related Threads:

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha
