My "Steam Replay" Stats For 2024


Every December, Steam provides some statistics for all accounts of the games they played throughout the year, as well as #gaming patterns. I decided to screenshot mine, and add my commentary to it.

According to Steam, I played 47 games (on Steam alone) this year. though the numbers are a bit skewed. Most of the games I opened, were just for testing. The games I really played were much less.

Compared to the Median Steam User, I did much more gaming:

  • I unlocked 237 achievements. (Median 13.)
  • I played 47 games. (Median 4.)
  • And I had a 38 days long steak of playing a game each day. (Median 6.)

I can't believe that I did more gaming than the median Steam user, considering I play games for 6 hours a week if at all. This puts in perspective how skewed gamers comments online about how long they spend gaming. Most people don't have that time. Though, I did play more than 20 hours in some weeks as I closed on finishing Final Fantasy VII's Mods, and Trails of Cold Steel IV. I also finished the whole game, Until Then in less than a week.

Playtime by Games' Age

Now, this is a surprising metric. I didn't see the total playtime anywhere on the page, but by my Calculation, it should be 540~ hours throughout the year, which is around 1:15 per day. Not bad, I think. Since I play games for less than 6 hours most weeks, it seems I spent a lot of time gaming in some days which pushed the results a bit.

  • 8% of all my gameplay time was spent on games that released in 2024! I guess it makes sense, as I played various demos, (if these are counted,) and Until Then which I played through completion.

  • Almost half (47%) of all my playtime was spent on Recent Games (that were released 1 to 7 years ago.) That sounds about right, as my 2nd most played game was Trails of Cold Steel IV which was released in 2021. This is surprisingly the same as Steam Userbase as a whole. We really like to play recent but not new games.

  • The remaining near-half (45%) of all my playtime was spent on Classic Games. (that were released 8 years ago or older.) This statistic was mainly influenced by Final Fantasy VII because I completed it two times, using the ECHO-S Mod, and the New Threat 2.0 Mod.

Most Played Games

1. Final Fantasy VII

The PC release of the Classic PS1 title. I played and recorded my playthroughs for the ECHO-S Mod, and the New Threat 2.0 Mod. One of the reasons for the long playtime is grinding for the final boss and the superbosses.

  • Play Time: 23% (120~ hours)
    • I played it mostly from April to October. Started the second mod playthrough immediately after I finished the first one.
  • Sessions: 232
  • Daily Streak: 8 Days
  • Achivements: 18 This year.

2. Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV

The final chapter of the Cold Steel saga, and how much of a ride it was. I loved the world of Zumeria, and I hope to re-visit the Empire of Erebonia's games again!

  • Play Time: 20% (109~ hours)
    • I played it mostly from March to July. I dedicated my gaming time to other games after. My sessions decreased until I played the final chapter in September and October.
  • Sessions: 109
  • Daily Streak: 18 Days
  • Achivements: 19 This year.

3. Final Fantasy X

I believe I started this game last year, (i.e. 2023,) as I played it a lot in January. I finished FFX in July and August. The ending was so~ bittersweet, and I understand why it's always Top 3 in Final Fantasy games list.

  • Play Time: 10% (55~ hours)
  • Sessions: 63
  • Daily Streak: 6 Days
  • Achivements: 8 This year.


I played on more than one device:

  • 90% of my playtime was on Steam Deck! (Around 480 hours)
  • 10% of my playtime was on a Linux Laptop, mostly before I got a Steam Deck. (Around 60 hours.)
  • Interestingly, I also ran some games on Windows, but I guess I spent so little time on them that Steam didn't register it? Or maybe I was offline? Who knows.

I played 42 games (838 sessions) on Steam Deck!

The number of sessions is so high because I usually open the games only to close them because I forgot some settings, or setting up OBS for recording. I remember opening and closing one of the demos dozens of times just to get the TDP settings right.


I played a lot of Demos on Steam Next Fest. According to the stats below, it should be 50 Demos, though 4 of the top 5 have been removed from the store, so I don't know which ones they are.

Demos I played include:

  • Aether Singularity
  • Card en Ciel
  • DinoCop
  • Divine Dynamo Flamefrit
  • Stories from Sol: Gun-dog
  • Wagotabi: A Japanese Journey

Playtime per Month per Game

Steam Replay Stats had included a graphical representation of the games I played each month. Since it's too long to write down, I screenshot them and put them in a threadcast on INLEO. Links to the threads below:

January to April

January: I mainly played Root Letter and Final Fantasy X. I also played the demo for Sea of Stars.

February: Tokyo Xanadu eX+ and Portal. I played Evoland long enough to remove it from my backlog, though.

March: I started Cold Steel IV and finished Tokyo Xanadu eX+. Some of GameDev Tycoon too!

April: I focused on Trails of Cold Steel IV this month. It's also here where I started my Final Fantasy VII Modding!

May to August

May: Continuing with Cold Steel IV and FFVII, I also played some LEGO Jurassic Park and a bit of the classic Mega Man.

June: I focused more on Final Fantasy VII as my main game. I started Resident Evil: Revelations, Kingdom: New Lands, and Tekken 7! I was so~ in my Tekken 7's craze that month. I didn't play a lot of Cold Steel IV.

July: I finished Resident Evil: Revelations. I switched my main RPG to Final Fantasy X (so I played only little of Cold Steel IV.) I also played a little bit of RWBY Grimm Eclipse before removing it from my backlog.

August: I started and finished Until Then. I also played The Count Lucanor and a bit of Snake Pass just to remove the latter from my backlog.

September to December

September: I played Say NO! More Demo, and finished it along with Stories from Sol: Gun-dog Demo. I continued my FFVII playthrough and played a few other games.

October: I played and finished Desert Child and indulged in various Demos.

November: I played and finished 200% Mixed Juice and started Agarest War: Mariage.

December: This month I only played Record of Agarest War: Mariage. I thought I'd finish it earlier, but I still have some bosses to beat.

Thanks for Reading~

So, these are my Steam Replay stats of 2024. I created a Public Link for you guys to view them. Here's the link:

I hope you had fun reading this text version of the stats, and have a nice day!

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