Let's Play "Digimon World: Next Order" - 19 - First Mega

Digimon World Next Order is a Digital Pet simulator game where you take care of your Digimon needs while recruiting Digimon to the City and building it along the way.

Digimon World Next Order is a modern sequel to the beloved first entry of the Digimon World series. This time, you manage two Digimon at a time instead of one! The scope of the world is also bigger, and there are more recruitable and obtainable Digimon. The soundtrack is very nostalgic with many tracks being remasters of Digimon World 1 OST. Still, the original had more charm in the moment-to-moment experience.

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This session was on the longer side. While I did many things this time, I didn't really progress the plot. Instead, I Digivolved my MegaKabuterimon to GranKuwagamon. He became my first Mega-level Digimon in this playthrough!

One of my achievements in this session was beating Kuro-rin (the BlackGabumon) and Kuro-cchi (the BlackAgumon.) I did beat them the first time before, but they tried again and were stronger. They weren't recruited to the city, so I assume I'll find them again. I'm excited about that.

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