Let's Play "Final Fantasy VII" ECHO-S Mod: (Part 11) Midgar Zolom


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FFVII ECHO-S is a fan-made Mod that adds Full Voice Acting to Final Fantasy VII. It's part of 7th Heaven's Mod Pack which completely ovehauls the Final Fantasy VII experience. I wanted to play Modded FFVII for a while now, and I'm excited to play it with voice acting.

Passing Through Midgar Zolom

Cloud and the party catch a wild chocobo so they're able to cross the Marshlands to Mythril Mine and avoid the giant snake on the way. Inside the mine, they meet the Turks including their new hire, Elena.

Between this part and the last, I learned how to use "Chocobo Lure" materia. I just had to equip it and walk above the Chocobo footsteps on the world map.

In my first attempt, I made a mistake and had to fight (and lose) against Midgar Zolom. Luckily, I avoided him in my second attempt.

Next stop is Junon!

Thanks for watching!!

Mods Installed:

You can download the 7th Heaven Mods from the official website here. If you're playing on a Steam Deck, download this instead. Here's a list of the mods I'm using from the 7th Heaven's Mod Pack:

  • ECHO-S 7: Full Voice Acting Mod
  • Enhanced Stock UI
  • Cosmo Memory (Sound Effects Mod)
  • SWY Unified Field Textures
  • SWY Unified Battle Textures
  • SWY Unified Mini-game Textures
  • NinoStyle Chibi Mod
  • NinoStyle Battle Mod
  • 60 FPS Mod
  • Mouth Replacer
  • Wizard Staff (Spell Names Mod)

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I'm a big fan of Final Fantasy 7, hope you can finish the game, I had it but lost it. Against the snake left me traumatized xd
