Cassava Best Harvesting Season, Season To Plant

Cassava is the commonest kind of crop for the making of Garri. Garri is the kind of food that's very common in Africa because it gives carbohydrates for energy. The actual best time to plant Cassava is during the beginning of rainy season why the best time for the harvesting of cassava should be during the dry season.

Cassava that's harvested in the rainy season will not be of good kind because it's usually watery due to the fact that water is still in the soil. Because Cassava survive with the amount of water in the soil which means that during the rainy season cassava tubers will be open to the soil to start producing new tubers. So any tuber of cassava in the soil that's present in the soil will surely decay in the rainy or watery environment. When old tuber of cassava decays in the soil, a new tuber is expected to be produced by its stem.

So when you harvest your cassava during the rainy period the water in its tubers will be much by making it more hard for Garri to be produced during the processing time. If a basin of harvested tubers of cassava is supposed to give a bag of Garri in dry season during the rainy season it's give only half bag. That's the different between harvesting and processing of tubers of cassava during dry and rainy season.

Before rain will start for the year, there's always cheap price of Garri in the market. This happens because farmers usually harvest their cassava so that rain will not decay or make them watery from the soil. Between June, July and August of every year, Garri price in the market is expected to be very costly. This happens because tubbers of cassava that's harvested will be watery during the processing stage. Another thing is that only a few farmers will be willing to harvest their cassava from the farm why many will only be interested in planting new one.

Ways to Avoid Cassava From Watery

One of the ways we can avoid our cassava from been watery is by making sure we plant them in farm land that's free from much water.

Another ways is by making sure that when cultivating, the ridges should be up from the usual land level so that water will not be much on the planted cassava ridges.

If your farm land is close to a river that usually causes flooding into your farm, you will have to farm during the dry season so that before the next rain will will reach the level of flooding you would have harvested the cassava.

Avoid farming cassava in a watery environment because that's enough to make the cassava roots not to produce much tubers.


Thank you for the interesting heads up. An alternative is to plant enzyme mixed cassava to give a short span variety and thus, can be planted at convenience within the rainy season. I hear it is 6/7 months and germinates well. I hope to find out more about it.


You're very correct those kind of cassava specie takes only six months to be due for harvesting.


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