What Nigeria Government Can Do To Increase The Health Standard Of People In The Country


In every nation, you will agree with me that one of the most important sector to always look after in the nation is the health sector because it deals with the living and overall wellbeing of the citizens of the country. Nigeria my own country, I will say is faced with a whole lot of health challenges which I believe it is high time the government really need to look into the health sector and which I will be discussing about today.

If you are a Nigerian reading this, you will agree with me that there is a whole lot of part of the nation that is suffering from inadequate healthcare facilities and this can't continue because it will be putting the health of the citizens at a very great danger. I will say one of the first action the government should take is for them to improve the health standards of the country overall. Quite a pity that what the government are just after is to continue looting money. I was shocked today when I heard the current price of fuel as it is as high as 1,400 naira per litre.

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There needs to be more healthcare infrastructure that is to be built most especially in the rural areas that are under resourced . If you should notice very well, rural areas most of the time do not have adequate equipment to sustain the health state of citizens living in that area. This also has an effect on the hospitals in the urban areas also because it has made those hospitals to be so crowded.

Most of the time, I always wondered what the minister of health is even doing to see the health sector of Nigeria to be like this. If there are more constructions and also reconstruction of healthcare facilities in both the rural and urban areas, it will help to actually allow the citizens to be able to have access to good health services for the wellbeing.


[Image Source](https://pixabay.com/photos/eye-surgery-female-medical-young-766166/(

Let me briefly talk about this aspect. It is one thing to have good healthcare infrastructure, it is really another thing to have competent people that will be employed in those healthcare infrastructure. Also, one of the issue I believe has been affecting the health sector of Nigeria is the fact that there is no adequate healthcare workers like the doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers in both the rural or the urban area around the country. I believe the government can take a step by investing in training those workers in order for them to be able to increase their skill and competency towards their work as the country needs more skilled professionals.

Water and the health state of citizens are actually interrelated. Most of the diseases and sickness that people suffer from related to their health is waterborne disease. I believe government can also do better in that aspect by helping to improve the sanitation and also by creating access to clean water. Trust me, there are some areas of the country that they don't have access to clean water. Lack of this things can really contribute to the spread of the diseases in Nigeria.


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I believe in the aspect of sanitations I talked about, the Nigeria government can work towards providing morr sanitation facilities lkke toilets and more sewage systems and this is applicable to both the rural areas and the urban areas also. Also in supplying clean water, I believe more boreholes an seated treatment plants should be constructed for communities majorly those suffering from poor access to clean water. Trust me, this can go a long way in reducing the spread of waterborne diseases and at the end of the day protect the health of the citizens.

As I conclude, I will say it is really a necessity that the health standards of people in Nigeria should be improved. More attention should be given to the health sector. A whole lot of people are suffering from poor health state and which I believe with the right strategies applied by the government, the country can be a better place to be and our health sector can be much more better than it is right now. The future is bright in Nigeria, I am so sure of that.

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Unfortunately, we have leaders who do not care about the well-being of their citizens at all. It is only sane that the health care system of a country is a top priority.


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