Do You Think Mars Will Be Conducive for Living for Humanity


For so many years, it is nothing strange again that the idea of humans living on the Mars planet has been a constant imagination in the heart of scientist that every work has been ongoing to make it a reality and the truth is every effort is getting channeled to make it actually a reality and which we need to actually work upon massively. Space technology by NASA is making the imagination of humans living on Mars actually becoming a reality and we might not be far from seeing it achievable.

But the big question we have right now is whether Mars will be conducive for living for humans or not looking at how human life can really be complex at times. As we should be aware of, Mars actually is a planet that presents a whole lot of challenges which will not make it quite conducive for humans to live on starting from the planet atmosphere is actually quite so thin and looking that the atmosphere is actually composed of carbon dioxide majorly and this simple means there is no breathable air available on the planet.


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Research makes me understand that Mars is actually less than 1% of Earth when it comes to atmospheric pressure and if you are familiar with this, you will understand that it poses a strong danger to human health generally. Not only that but there is something called the temperature factor that is another major concern.

Currently now, Mars is much more of a colder temperature than earth and this extreme cold, I doubt whether if human can relate and cope with that. The average surface temperature ranges around -80 degrees. This type of cold temperature will be difficult to maintain a livable environment. But that's not also all, radiation factor is even one of the most critical issue that needs to be looked into if humans want to live on Mars.


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As not all planet can be like earth when it comes to the radiation regulations, for Mars which lack the magnetic field and this can actually increase the risk of having cancer and other dangerous health issues for humans. I am still doubting how humans will be able to cope with the high radiation on Mars. I really doubt it actually.

Even though these factors I have mentioned above can be a major threat for the human living on the Mars platform, I still believe that there are still some attributes which I believe Mars have that can help it to be Conducive for living. The first I will say is actually the presence of what I called water ice as we all know water is very crucial for life. This ice can be a major source of water for drinking and which can even be used to produce oxygen for humans to dwell over there.


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One of the things I will never fail to realise is the power of technology. Of course if you should look at our lifes, technology advancements have really shaped and transform our live rapidly beyond we can ever imagine and i believe this is also made to address the living on the planet of Mars. Development of life support systems and other sustainable energy sources I am so sure will definitely go a long way to help in living on Mars.

While it might actually look quite mission impossible for humans to live on Mars, I am still so sure that there will definitely be a time where it will be conducive for humans habitation. Now the big question is when will it be, will it be after 100 years to come, well currently now, I will actually say no one can say but looking at the effort being put into the working to make it a reality, I am so sure it is not far from becoming a reality at any moment.

At the end of the day, technology advancements of course will go a long way to determine whether the long awaiting imagination for humans to live on Mars will be a reality or not. Well let's see how it will actually go before the next century, there will certainly be massive improvement as time actually goes on definitely.

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