Experience with digital detox

Technology undoubtedly simplifies our lives, it allows us to find information quickly, previously we had to go to remote places to look for answers, it also helps us to see news in real time and to communicate more easily with friends and family who are far away, it has even changed labor relations, with remote jobs.
But like everything else, the use of technology has its pros and cons, and one of them is the excessive dependence on it and the addiction that some of these devices have generated in people of various ages around the world.
For example, I remember a friend with whom it was very uncomfortable to go out to eat and talk because she always, always had her phone in her hand and would not stop chatting. Sometimes I had doubts about whether she was really paying attention to what was being said, because she didn't even look when something was being said.
Likewise, there are people who are addicted to cell phones, PCs, in short, to devices that in one way or another are connected to the Internet, to the point of not being able to be separated for long from these devices, because they come to feel that something is missing, there are videos that document the behavior of some teenagers when they have had to be separated from their smartphones when taking commercial flights and it is really alarming the reaction of some of them.

Undoubtedly, addiction to these devices brings consequences such as: depression, social isolation, anxiety, overweight, insomnia, eye strain, phobias, such as nomophobia, which is the fear of not having the cell phone at hand.
Now, talking about the personal level at some point in my life I noticed how dangerous addiction to technology can be and how important it is to use it wisely, in fact in two moments of my life I have been for long periods of a month to six months without a cell phone, at first it affected me a little, then I took it as a detox or digital detox, but what is this?
Digital detox is a process that people use to avoid the use of their electronic devices such as: cell phones, computers, televisions, among others. The goal is to reestablish the connection with the physical world and interact with the environment.
The question that brings me here is: would I be able to start the year with a digital detox? The definite answer is yes, in fact, I try to keep the use of the phone at bay because I know how unpleasant it is to talk to someone and they don't pay the slightest attention to you, ask your husband or son for something and they tell you for a moment because it is more important to look at the phone or TV.

So for some time now I disconnect from the phone an hour before going to sleep, it is also programmed to turn off at a certain time and I activate the eye care filter, so as not to lose sleep, in the same way I do not take it with me to the bathroom and if I go to take a nap in the afternoon I silence it.
When I go out to the street I only take it out of my purse if it rings or if I receive a message, otherwise I keep it in my pocket, to be aware of what is happening around me, so having lived a forced time without a phone, I could certainly do it again and I think it is necessary for every human being to put limits to the use of their electronic devices, I am referring specifically to our family and those who live under our roof, because sometimes we talk more with those who are on the other side of the phone and very little with those we live with.
I bid farewell to my participation in the topic proposed for December 04 of Monthly Prompts | December INLEO
La tecnología sin duda nos simplifica la vida, nos permite encontrar información rápidamente, anteriormente teníamos que ir a buscar repuestas a lugares remotos, también nos ayuda a ver noticias en tiempo real y a comunicarnos de manera más fácil con amigos y familiares que estén lejos, incluso ha cambiado las relaciones laborales, con los trabajos remotos.
Pero como todo, el uso de la tecnología tiene sus pros y sus contras, y uno de ellos es el exceso de la dependencia de la misma y la adicción que alguno de estos dispositivos ha generado en personas de diversas edades alrededor del mundo.
Por ejemplo, recuerdo una amiga con la que era muy incómodo salir a comer y conversar porque, siempre, siempre tenía el teléfono en la mano y no paraba de chatear. A veces tenía la duda de si realmente le prestaba atención a lo que se le decía, porque ni miraba cuando se le estaba diciendo algo.
Así mismo, hay personas que son adictas a los celulares al PC, en fin, a dispositivos que de una u otra forma están conectados a internet, al punto de no poder estar separado mucho tiempo de estos dispositivos, pues llegan a sentir que algo les falta, hay videos que documentan el comportamiento de algunos adolescentes cuando han tenido que separárseles de sus teléfonos inteligentes al tomar vuelos comerciales y es realmente alarmante la reacción de algunos.
Sin duda, la adicción a estos dispositivos trae consecuencias como: depresión, aislamiento social, ansiedad, sobrepeso, insomnio, tensión ocular, fobias, como la nomofobia, que es el miedo de no tener a la mano el celular.
Ahora bien, hablando ya del plano personal en algún punto de mi vida noté lo peligroso que puede ser la adicción a la tecnología y lo importante de usarla con prudencia de hecho en dos momentos de mi vida he estado por periodos largos como de un mes hasta seis meses, sin celular, al principio me afecto un poco, luego lo tome como una desintoxicación o detox digital, pero ¿Qué es esto?
La desintoxicación digital es un proceso que las personas utilizan para evitar el uso de sus dispositivos electrónicos como: el teléfono celular, computadoras, televisores, entre otros. El objetivo es restablecer la conexión con el mundo físico e interactuar con el entorno.
La pregunta que me trae aquí es: ¿sería capaz de comenzar el año realizando un detox digital? La respuesta definitiva es sí, de hecho, procuro mantener a raya el uso del teléfono porque sé lo desagradable, que es conversar con alguien y que no te preste la más mínima atención, pedirle algo a tu esposo o hijo y que te digan un momento porque es más importante mirar el teléfono o la televisión.
Así que desde hace un tiempo yo me desconecto del teléfono una hora antes de dormir, además está programado para apagarse a cierta hora y le active el filtro de cuidado de ojos, para no perder el sueño, de la misma manera no lo llevo conmigo al baño y si voy a tomar una siesta en la tarde lo silencio.
Cuando salgo a la calle solo lo saco de mi cartera si repica o si recibo algún mensaje, de resto lo mantengo guardado, para estar atenta a lo que ocurre a mi alrededor, así que al y haber vivido de manera forzada un tiempo sin teléfono, sin duda podría hacerlo de nuevo y creo que es necesario que todo ser humano ponga limites al uso de sus dispositivos electrónicos, por temas de salud y de las relaciones que necesitamos trabajar y me refiero específicamente a nuestra familia a los que viven bajo nuestro techo, ya que a veces conversamos más con quienes están del otro lado del teléfono y muy poco con los que vivimos.
Me despido de mi participación en el tema propuesto para el día 04 de diciembre de Monthly Prompts | diciembre INLEO

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
I've been able to learn to silent my phone when I have rest, unlike before. It's actually a good one, I always feel good when I wake up.
A digital detox is needed indeed, I hope you keep at it because you are doing great now.
I learned a while ago thanks to my phone getting damaged that digital detox is beneficial, it's good for our health and our relationships, so every day I try to keep going with it.
Technology has been really helpful, but it has also been a plague to those who let it. I love how you go about it and I try same even though my job requires me to continually be in front of my device.
Some time ago a friend used a phrase to make me understand that I was to blame for certain situations because I allowed them and if that is the truth we are the ones who set the limits thinking about our health and well being.
In your case it is because of work, but I imagine that at the end of your workday you take off a little, if you do not have a fixed schedule, try to establish it to be able to really rest.
Good job. I have taken digital detox (or at least a reduction in the use of my mobile phone) about a half year ago.
As you already explain in your post, smartphones take up a lot of time and people just can't multitask (no, even women can't 😉).
So, when using your phone you have less attention for the other things you're doing.
So put your phone away and do things with mindfully!
I've removed quite a few distracting apps from my phone like LinkedIN and Youtube which I was checking out whenever I had a moment I had nothing to do. And then often these apps keep your attention and you find yourself doomscrolling for an half hour.
It has given me quite a bit of extra time I'm often spending reading books (which I never had time for I thought).
I did have a slight fallback keeping Hive on my phone which, with the new snaps function, can be quite distracting as well. But luckily Hive doesn't have the incentive to keep you on the platform. It's just a matter of self discipline.
Good luck with your detox!
In my case only one mobile app takes my time and that's TikTok, I haven't even realized how much time I can spend there watching crap, does it make me laugh? yes, does it relieve some stress? yes, but it slows me down in what I have to finish.
So I choose to put my phone aside when I'm doing some activity and mute it or turn it off to sleep and not be tempted if any notification sounds, besides suffering from eyesight I have to let my eyes rest, I spend the workday in front of the computer, then a few more hours if I'm going to post something on HIVE and if I include the ones I look at the cell phone it's a complete madness.
I use HIVE on my cell phone to see notifications and answer some comments if I am not at home, otherwise I use the PC, it is easy and fast to use HIVE on the cell phone, but I found that it made me very tired, so distance and better at certain times and on the PC or laptop.