Should We Fight The A.I. Revolution?! The Creepy Reality of Personalized Ads and Virtual Girls...
Google used to be a groundbreaking milestone in the technological evolution curve. Back in the day, having access to such an extensive database meant you could literally research any type of information on the internet when it was less censored, and that was truly something.
I once lived as an expat in Germany, and learning the language, especially the dialect used in the part of the country where I resided, was a real pain in the ass. Compared to English, German is a challenging language to master.
There were times when I wanted to express myself loudly on certain topics and life situations, but my German-speaking skills would not allow it. AI might make life easier for expats in this regard.
According to a recent analysis by Zerohedge, AI's impact will affect numerous industries and professions. Some will face negative consequences as certain workers lack the skills to leverage AI, while others will benefit greatly from its usage.
Individuals with certain disabilities, like hearing or visual impairments, will find the fusion of human capabilities with AI to be promising. Expats, just like I was in Germany a few years ago, could benefit from AI-powered gadgets that help with language communication.
Imagine wearing special headphones that instantly translate what your interlocutor is saying, regardless of the language used. Furthermore, imagine being able to speak almost any language that exists. Just like crypto, AI knows no borders, but it comes with a cost for many.
In a recent quarterly earnings call on Aug. 3, Apple CEO Tim Cook emphasized the company’s extensive use of artificial intelligence (AI), a technology dramatically reshaping the tech industry.
He noted that Apple announced certain AI-powered consumer features at its Worldwide Developers Conference in June, including a speech generator called Personal Voice and a speech transcription tool called Live Voicemail.
Cook also said Apple has announced other AI-powered features such as fall detection, crash detection, and ECG heart tests, all of which rely on AI and machine learning.
He stated that the company has been researching generative AI and many other areas of AI “for years.”
Data harvesting and the leveraging of that data by companies like Apple, Google, and Facebook are about to reach a whole new level. If you find personalized ads on Facebook creepy, just wait until A.I. takes over...
I'm not a big fan of A.I., although I do use ChatGPT daily to proofread my Hive posts, and it's quite handy. However, my concern with A.I. is that, like a knife, it can be used for both good and harm.
A.I. services are already threatening content creators of all kinds, but we haven't seen anything yet. Let's face it, most social media users are low IQ individuals, and I believe "bot girls" will soon be able to deceive real-life guys in unimaginable ways.
The scams we've witnessed on social media so far will seem like child's play compared to what A.I. is capable of. Meet Milla Sofia, the "24-year-old virtual girl from Helsinki, Finland, made by AI." She already has 15k followers on various social media platforms, including TikTok, and she's just an AI creation.
This so-called girl is putting out content on social media on a daily basis, interacting with her followers, and looking good as a pixel-based human shape and it's going to only get better.
While A.I.-generated content might seem like a joke now, it won't be long before it becomes indistinguishable from reality. And you know who's going to suffer from this "machine takeover"? OnlyFans and video chat models...
Content created by machines will be so realistic and personalized that people will pour money into such accounts. It's not all doom and gloom yet, but my friends, stay prepared—the A.I. battle has just begun.
Thanks for your attention,
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If you want to see how bad AI can be, just put it in control. Amazon have done that to a great extent with their marketplace Seller Support. Human agents are just there to read the scripts given to them. But the AI doesn't accept anything less than 100% perfect performance, with inevitable results.
On the up-side, if they can work out how to upload AI-girls into truly realistic dolls, it could be really helpful to socially awkward, physically disabled or just unfortunate unattractive people who struggle with finding a human partner. It might even reduce the number of sex crimes by providing an outlet for some who commit them.
But how long before people get AI robots just to do the housework ? Can an AI be a slave, does it have rights ?
I bet they'll give em rights :))
Bastic ;)
I think i really need to save this post, if possible make a screenshot so i could post on all my socials.
To me, it's already doom and gloom.
I recently watch a video of a robot playing table tennis with a human, and this robot posses great skill because of its flexibility.
I also watch video of a robot, i guess same brand with the first one, participating in a slapping context game, which is popularly played in russia.
It's so crazy to see humans spend resources on something that can challenge and may be cause harm in the future.
The slapping one is fake.
I guess ai was also used to manipulate such action🤔.