RE: Market Influences Short-Medium Term Trends, Technology Sets Long Term Trends

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Great post. Definitely a read for panicked investors... After seven years in crypto, I can say I've been through worse than this... And we are in a bull market after all. No matter how much the market dips short term, in a few months to a year from now everything will be much higher. Some don't actually appreciate enough the level of volatility we have in crypto and the opportunities this market offers.

0.874 STEM


Panic is never a good sign when making financial transactions. Exuberance is not one either. But none of us are robots, and emotions play a role. Interestingly, trading bots learned to take advantage of human emotions, from what I heard.

For mass adoption, high volatility doesn't look good because people don't know or care to learn how to not become overexposed to a position to risk going broke if things go the other way than they anticipated. But there are opportunities in volatility, for sure. The question is, how many truly buy when there's blood on the streets?

0.000 STEM