If You Think "Excessive Automation" is of Any Good for Humanity as a Whole You're Living Under a Freaking Rock, and Believe Me, Automation(Machines) Will Find You and Take Your Rock...


We're just some numbers on a screen for these power-hungry fuckers who seek to control the world and virtually everything you can think of. They even want to control the gender of children before they can comprehend their own gender identity...

I don't know what has happened to humanity in the past few years, but things don't look good to me. I admit that my conspiracy mind might be biased in attributing all sorts of current global issues to ruling elites, but then again...

When you read in the news that companies nowadays, particularly since AI has become more prevalent, only care about cutting costs, increasing production, and maximizing profits, you start to question how much value a human being still has...

For example, in IBM's database, Joe is likely not just Joe, but rather a mere paycheck that can and will be replaced by AI and automation. Jobs involving human resources and mundane tasks like providing employment verification letters or transferring employees between departments will likely be fully automated...


Instead of a name, you'll be assigned a number, and an algorithm will determine what you need to do, how to do it efficiently, and whether you're still necessary to the company. My frustration towards automation and AI is palpable as I write this post.

Don't get me wrong; I do appreciate technology. I believe that washing clothes by hand or sweeping carpets the old way is neither fun nor productive. However, the prospect of robots taking over many "human-taken jobs" fills me with a great deal of anger.

Goldman predicted that AI could lead to some 300 million layoffs among highly paid, non-menial workers in the US and Europe. As Goldman chief economist Jan Hatzius put it, "using data on occupational tasks in both the US and Europe, we find that roughly two-thirds of current jobs are exposed to some degree of AI automation, and that generative AI could substitute up to one-fourth of current work.

Extrapolating our estimates globally suggests that generative AI could expose the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs to automation" as up to "two thirds of occupations could be partially automated by AI."

Currently, we're mostly seeing office jobs being replaced by robots, and I predict that many customer service, banking, and even marketing and advertising jobs will be taken over by AI in the years to come. Some people who currently make a living from AI find it convenient to have a bot do their job for them.

But what happens when the bot starts coming after the rock you're hiding under?

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The famous quote "you will own nothing and be happy about it" is slowly becoming a reality. You can be sure that manufacturing is the next industry in which robots will kill jobs and replace human labor, and soon (once cash is no longer accepted), cashiers will become obsolete.

All of this is happening to maximize profits, gain control over people, and "keep them safe." In this mad circus we're currently living in, the human factor is irrelevant. Some of the people who lose their jobs to AI may find refuge in crypto, but excessive automation is a worrying sign for modern society in the years and decades to come.

Imagine how many of the current jobs Macron would have already replaced with bots amidst all the protests taking place in France right now, if he could...

Thankfully, we still have man-made content on Hive. I really hope the platform remains free of such content. I'm not against using AI to make work easier, but when AI becomes too advanced, we're definitely facing a threat from technology...

Thanks for your attention,
