Esotericism through my books



I have always had the spirit to investigate or be motivated by certain phenomena that occur in life and that we cannot always give an answer to.

Humans can only appreciate with our physical senses a part of what we conceive as reality. That physical dimension in which we can have control and where we carve our destiny with our daily actions.

Western medicine trains physicians under a materialistic and mechanistic vision. This does not provide answers to many of the unknowns that one experiences during a medical career. For this reason, I started with Bioenergetic Medicine and Holistic Therapies, where I had my practice next to the sea to treat those patients who did not resolve with the usual allopathic treatments.

Before that, I had to start studying about those sciences called esoteric or occult, which were taught in ancient Egypt.

At that time, physicians had to learn from the basic foundations: Astrology, Alchemy, Kabbalah, Geometry, Magic, etc.

Remembering that stage of my profession, motivated me to dust off some of the main books in my collection related to those great enigmas.
I will break them down by topic, for better organization.


The influence of the vibrations of the moon and the planets in their movement around the sun, influence everything that exists on our planet. From the Earth, and very slowly, they pass through the 12 constellations or signs of the zodiac.

All these planetary transits, passing through these signs, will influence with different degrees all existing life forms.

The objective of Astrology in man should not be reduced only to the prediction of the future. The most important thing is self-knowledge in order to be able to model certain actions.


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The Tarot cards are made up of 78 cards: 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana. Their origin dates back to the Chaldean and Egyptian cultures.

The reading of the major arcana, help us to understand the psychology, the prediction of specific issues and the stages of human evolution.




Word that in Greek means: divination by the hands. Each part of the human body or microcosm, has its correspondence in all levels up to the macrocosm. Each mount, line or mark, of the palm and fingers of each hand, will represent something, and will have relation with the contralateral part of the cerebral hemispheres, with each organ, gland, spinal column, plexus and systems. Also with psychological aspects, of descent and even planetary.



Secrets and Folklore of our fields:

I bought this book years ago at a congress of Natural and Traditional Medicine. It summarizes stories of our fields in Cuba, the healing power, the magic and the different energies to invoke to cure physical illnesses and mental imbalances.

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A complex book; to understand it, it is necessary to go into the above mentioned, since it integrates everything. The reading of its plates in the form of mandalas discs, gives the keys to ancient sciences, religions, contemporary art, architecture, etc.

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It is the knowledge that allows us, through the traits of people's handwriting, to know aspects of their personality.
Its applications are diverse: personnel selection for certain jobs, medicine, criminology, and in judicial examination to rule out forgeries.



The vibrations emitted by each crystal, stone and their colors, will help harmonize many psychophysical imbalances. They act as natural amplifiers. After each use, they should be cleaned to remove any remaining negative energies. It is also necessary to know how to charge them positively by different methods.


Celestial Angels:

There is not only the material, visible or physical plane; there are other intermediate levels all the way to the more subtle, invisible and higher vibrational planes. Beloved beings who have departed to other planes, and others with higher evolution, can interact and be invoked.


Oracle of Delphi:

The Cuban poet René Coyra takes us to know something of this renowned oracle of Ancient Greece. Temple that was located in the city of Delphi, where people went to hear the predictions of The Gods through a Pitonisa.

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Occult Medicine, Magic and Spirituality:

Books that condense the Ceremonial Magic, the use of the elementals or energies that reign in nature; inner masters that we must awaken, to make true magic and become better human beings.

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The Mystical Kabbalah helps us to know ourselves better and to know the Universe, through the Tree of Life, that symbol that was previously known by the adepts.



I was pleased to buy and read this book by a Cuban professional, PhD. in Philosophy and the first of its subject published in the country.
With a scientific level he navigates what is related to Experimental Hypnosis and the diverse parapsychological phenomena that exist.

The other book presents the different instruments used to analyze these phenomena.

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The true Alchemy was not to convert lead into gold, but the transmutation of man, from his most mundane aspects to the attainment of a spirituality that would unite him to his divine essence, of which he is a part. It is the representation of that serpent that bites its tail, to form the figure of the circle.


The Orishas:

The Cuban ethnologist in her book: The Orishas in Cuba, makes a tour to the deities of the African culture Yoruba who are emissaries of the Santería or Rule of Ocha who reign the forces of nature and influence humanity.

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The power of animal senses:

The senses of animals surprise man every day. This book approaches the subject from the discoveries of science.

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"The Kybalion"

This old edition belonged to my father and bears his signature. It is the bedside book that I recommend to those who want to take their first steps in understanding the esoteric happenings of our lives. Its 7 Hermetic Laws are gathered in this powerful little book by the Egyptian master and alchemist Hermes Trismegistus.

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Great Enigmas: The Fascinating World of the Occult:

I have left for the end this compendium of 4 books, which gives us precious photos and illustrations and that bring together the enigmas and mysteries that man has witnessed throughout his existence.

This hidden world that traps so much, where sometimes it has lent itself to the deception of some, but also to facts that happen, and that science has not yet been able to unveil.

Thank you for reading me. I wish you a good Wednesday.


Own photos. Camera: Panasonic Lumix model DMC-ZS100

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Text by Andrés Brunet


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