Two & Half Decades To Come.

2014, that’s about a decade ago. If we were asked how the year 2024 would look, we can only imagine, but no one can say precisely how this year would look for them. Some might plan their marriage for the year, some might have plans for their academics and many more.

We keep living in the present, and they tend to become our pasts and the future turns out to be our present. And so we continue to live our lives. When I was in university we had plans to complete our studies in 2020 without knowing what the future has in store for us. Then when it was about time to end it all, the coronavirus came out. No one saw that coming or had plans for that. But it came and we were left with no option to adjust our ways.

What if I say the year 2050 might not even be on the calendar? The end time is near that we’ve been hearing all this while what if it's just a decade to come? Who knows?

Though we have been seeing a lot of signs that life keeps getting better over the years, advanced technology has been playing a lot of roles in this aspect and we can even get to predict what the future would look like. Talking about transportation, communication, education, and a lot more. It's much clearer that life would be so much better over the decades.

In the same way, we get to experience good times we are also left with no choice but to experience the opposite too. I had a discussion with my bro a few months ago about how far we have been destroying Mother Earth and maybe there will be no natural replacement for all of these things in the long run.

The relationship between the ozone layer and the ultraviolet rays in the stratosphere. This is something we are endangering and they can cause a lot of danger to our existence. The ozone layer prevents life from the ultraviolet radiation that descends on Earth.

I also watched the recent update about Elon Musk and how he has tried everything possible to build a spaceship which was a success. He has been working tirelessly around the clock to build a friendly environment for the future to come. He had successfully built a robot that could work and perform the tasks of a human being and could surely assist in a lot of human activities.

He built an electric and self-controlled car. And he has been working on building a microchip that can work with the human brain. Isn't that crazy enough?

In the past centuries, if they were told there would be skyscrapers as tall as the sky, no one would believe them. If they were told that there would be an object that would fly across the sky like a bird and carry a lot of mass on it. They would deny it out of disbelief. If they were told that a time would come when people would dive deep down the sea and still come back alive they wouldn't believe it.

So in decades to come I see a world where everyone would be scientifically oriented and technologically inclined. I see a future where the youth would be involved in a lot of adventures creating things that we never thought would have ever existed in human existence. About two decades back they get to mention anything like cryptocurrency as a means of exchange with monetary value. It would be so hard to believe. But here we are today sinking and dwelling into the world of cryptocurrency.

This is my response to the HIVE LEARNERS weekly prompt in hive learners community for the Week 136 Edition 2 and the topic to be discussed is IN THE YEAR 2050

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