Google Cloud Launches Web3 Portal


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Hi there my name is Lucky Ali and I am back with some great piece of information. Google is trying to strengthen its position in Web 3 industry which is why it is doing some great developments in this industry because Google knows that Web 3 is the future. Recently Google Cloud launched Web 3 portal with a testnet tool, blockchain data set, and learning resource for the developers. According to the information that I got from some web portals, with the Web 3.0 portal, users can now earn testnet tokens to deploy and test their decentralized apps on Ethereum testnets such as Sepolia & Holesky.

One more learning program, to develop NFT, to apply web 3 loyalty program and tutorials to secure digital assets so this is the learning program that is great. This update got mixed responses from cryptocurrency users because according to the experts google avoiding Bitcoin and this is a big mistake that Google is making this is not said by me but the industry experts saying this particular thing so obviously Google is working for web 3 but other side Google is avoiding Bitcoin and I think this is a big mistake that Google is doing and this is also what I believe and the same thing said by the industry experts.

But not everyone is against this new move by Google because Mitroplus labs founder Ivaibi Festo welcomed Google Cloud's move and described the Web3 portal as a "comprehensive resource". So it is good that Google is working for Web 3 but Google has to understand the cryptocurrency mechanism and if Google understands the crypto mechanism then it will open the door for Bitcoin. remember without Bitcoin Cryptocurrency is nothing because Bitcoin is the king of all cryptocurrencies that is why industry experts said to Google that you have to focus on Bitcoin now let’s see what they will do

Google already preparing to launch the web 3 portal since 2023. Google did many partnerships for this for example, google Cloud integrated a big query data warehouse to multiversx and to do this google connected multiple blockchains to this such as Avalanche, Cronos, Ethereum’s Görli testnet, Arbitrum, Fantom, Near, Polkadot, Polygon’s mainnet, Optimism, Polygon’s Mumbai testnet and Tron blockchain too.

In the beginning, Google was completely against cryptocurrency and all the technologies that are related to cryptocurrency. now the atmosphere is totally changed you can see that companies like Google working in Web 3 industry so you can see this is a big change however Google is still not accepting Bitcoin because it is totally decentralized or maybe there is something different reason so only time will tell I hope you liked this information that I have shared what is your opinion regarding this information let me know in the comment section and please share this post on social media I will meet you in my next blog till then take care.

Lucky Ali

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185300304_441507187470261_6630906744872723300_n-removebg-preview.pngHi I am lucky ali from gujarat, india. I am a crypto enthusiast, blogger, and SEO developer. I am always interested in learning new things and getting new experiences. You can find me on hive, twitter and discord (Lucky Ali#6343). Sharing is caring, Thank you hive family ♥

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Your information is really helpful. Keep presenting such information here so that we don't have to waste it in newspapers. @luckyali


paper bacha ke mujhe proud feel ho raha 😅


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