Life on rogue planets.


Life on rogue planets.

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Life exists in the universe and at least we know to some extent the recipe for the emergence of living beings, it is the combination of ingredients that occurred here on earth, for the moment it is the only place with life in the known universe, although the Universe unknown is immense and although we have not yet found life outside the earth we can at least deduce that if it arose elsewhere in the Cosmos it must have been thanks to the recipe that succeeded here on our planet and one of the fundamental ingredients to awaken the spark of life is liquid water.

Where water exists, life may have arisen and although it has not arisen, we know that they are places where at least some of the beings on earth could prosper. For example, we know that water exists on moons such as Enceladus, a satellite of Saturn. many bacteria and microorganisms that we find, for example, in the cold waters of Antarctica could be happy on Enceladus, it could be perfectly colonized by tardigrades.

And of course, we should not touch that Moon if we discover life on it, the worlds belong to its inhabitants, no matter how small they may be, but Enceladus serves as an example of a place where there is water and therefore it is a place where life can potentially exist. and if there is not, it is potentially a habitable place.

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What is new is that Scientists from the ORIGINS Group and the Max Planck Institute in Germany have determined what are the necessary conditions for allowing life to emerge on the moons of free-floating planets.

These worlds can form just like a normal planet orbiting a star, but end up being ejected by the action of other sister planets, or they can form on their own, concentrating matter from a nebula in a similar way to a star, but without reaching the Enough mass to initiate the fusion reactions that make a star shine.

It is believed that our galaxy, the Milky Way, may have billions or billions of rogue planets, it is a very ambiguous estimate, but detecting a planet of this type is very difficult, we will have it easier when it is launched in 2027 on NASA's Nancy Grace Space Telescope.

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These rogue planets can have moons or exomoons, nobody prevents them from having them, because in December 2013 a candidate for a rogue planet's moon was announced called MOA 2011 BLG 262b, which could be the first exomoon discovered, but the planets Interstellars are characterized by wandering through space without orbiting a star, so they should be very cold worlds and also do not emit light or heat, enough to warm their moons.

So, how is it possible that liquid water exists in them? The answer given by scientists is that the heat would not come from the outside of the moon, but from its interior. Its core may be heated by gravitational interaction with the planet, like the changing tidal forces that stretch and shrink the core, for example, thanks to this heating it is known that there are oceans of liquid water on the moon in Enceladus, on Jupiter's satellites Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.



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