The Daily Leo | Towards Institutionalizing Artificial Intelligence

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Towards Institutionalizing Artificial Intelligence

With the key players in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) sector continuously innovating, it is obvious that the AI invasion is imminent. So far, the world of work is undergoing a rapid transformation and automation is taking over routine tasks. AI is widening the gulf and raising concerns about more job displacement. More legal cases and debates concerning the privacy and safety of AI are ongoing and all of these are geared at having more responsible AI systems. We are moving towards institutionalizing AI. This episode unveils the latest AI discoveries, legal drawbacks, symposiums, and ways to ameliorate the problems it creates. The featured content is worth your reading time.

SuperAI: AI stakeholders and industry leaders to meet in Singapore


SuperAI - a big conference for all stakeholders in the AI industry has been organized in Singapore on the 5th and 6th of June 2024 at the iconic Marina Bay Sands. The conference aims to explore, and unveil the next wave of transformative AI technologies and lay a solid foundation for this disruptive innovation. Attendance is open for industry leaders, heads of state, entrepreneurs, renowned researchers, and curious minds. 5,000 Guests, 5000
companies representatives, more than 1000 Speakers, and 150
Journalists are expected at the SuperAI Conference.

Copilot+ PCs - The fastest, most intelligent AI-powered Windows PC


Microsoft has unveiled a new AI-powered Windows PC known as "Copilot+ PCs". This latest Microsoft creation comes with advanced AI capabilities such as recalling, generating, and refining AI images in near real-time directly on the device using Cocreator, and bridging language barriers with Live Captions. Users can also translate the audio from 40+ languages into English. Copilot+ PCs can manage a greater share of AI tasks locally and are presently priced from $1,000. Would you acquire one?

Unveiling the Crystal Ball: Can AI Predict Your Next Move?


Psychologists are concerned about the potential effects of using artificial intelligence to predict behavior. A key issue is the risk of “self-validating prediction,” where predictions of a particular behavior may lead to interventions that make that behavior more likely. Artificial intelligence can analyze and predict behavior by first collecting data from various sources such as cameras, and electronic records, and then, processing the data to remove impurities. After that, the data is analyzed. Would you want an AI to predict your next move?

OpenAI to remove Sky's voice from their Chat GPT-4o


Amid AI privacy and safety concerns debate, Scarlett Johansson has sought legal intervention to have OpenAI remove Sky's voice from their Chat GPT-4o for sounding just like her. Listening to Sky's voice and comparing it with the virtual assistant in the 2013 film Her, you may notice a striking resemblance. OpenAI "reluctantly" agrees to remove Sky from their GPT-4 system, as it sounds like very much the celebrity.

UBI as Antidote for AI-driven Job Displacement


The surge of Artificial intelligence (AI) is raising concerns about more job displacement. In the face of this development, Universal Basic Income (UBI) has been hinted to have the potential to provide a safety net that can support economic stability, encourage personal and professional development, and ensure a fairer distribution of wealth. Elon Musk and Geoffrey Hinton “Godfather of AI,” have weighed their support that adopting UBI could shock the effect of AI displacement of human jobs. Geoffrey Hinton believes that AI apocalypse could happen in 20 years. Do you think UBI can solve the problems AI is creating?

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I can't wait to learn about this new AI innovations and the steps being taken to ensure responsible use


Everyone presently alive should read about AI daily


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2700 posts in 6 years. I think I need to up the game. Thanks for the notification


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Thank you. How xan one get actively involved with the indiaUnited community?
