What to do with Mouldy Margarine?


Today I went to the fridge to get out some margarine to put on some pancakes that I was making.

It went mouldy and was totally unedible.

After breakfast I scooped out the ick to put in the composting....then I thought to myself..... I wonder what I can do with this? After a little thinking I thought. I know, I'll see if it burns! That will make a great topic for the creative Sunday in the Hive Learners.

So I decided I'd try to make a candle of some type.

Trial #1 :

Does Cardboard work as a wick.

I mean they make matchsticks out of cardboard so why not a candle wick.

It lit but didn't even get down to the margarine.


**How about the string from a disposable mask?**

Everyone has extra masks after the COVID pandemic, right?

So, took the string from one and greased it up then gave it a try.

The string burnt but the margarine didn't.

Very Sad No luck there.

When I thought to myself.... Ohh,.. maybe its the jar. No fresh oxygen gets into the jar. Maybe I should try a saucer.

And how about a match? Maybe a wooden matchstick can work as a wick?

Yet another failure. The match burns and melts a bit of the margarine but not enough to be useful.

Then I thought...how about using a wick that is guaranteed to be useful!

I went and got a birthday candle and lit it.

This time I had more success. The margarine melted. The candle burned down through the wax then started burning the margarine. However, the platter was too wide and the liquid margarine ran away from the wick. Only the liquid margarine can travel up the wick to burn. Also margarine has a lot of water in it (2nd ingredient) and I heard a lot of hissing and spitting from the flame.

Next up. Smaller and taller container. Also add some vegetable oil to thin out the margarine and reduce the water content.

Success. Finally

This time two wicks. One wick from a candle. The other wick from a cut up rag.

After two hours both wicks are still burning.

After 5 hours the candle is still burning. The margarine is melting because the oil is now yellowish in colour instead of clear like originally. Now I know that if I'm every desperate for a long lasting candle I can make one out of a short acting birthday candle and some canola oil hanging around in the pantry.

Not really useful....

But still getting more fun out of the old margarine that just throwing it into the compose.

Thanks for reading,

Have a great day.


Please use #creative-sunday tag So HL staff and community can find your post easily.


I wondered about that but I didn't see that tag in the post so didn't know to use it. No worries. I'll get it next time. Probably should have used the hl-canada tag too. I'm still so bad at this 😥

Side note on my tergan604 account I've delegated to hivepakistan but no rewards for the past two days. Did I do something wrong?


You start receiving rewards after 7 days and it keeps giving you rewards +7 days after you undelegate.

You can still edit the tag so people can find you. This is the official tag for creative sunday by HL. Also, you can drop your post in featured channel in discord for more exposure. Writing content is one thing, making sure it reaches to right people is another thing.

I prefer hl-blog tag also. But that's my personal preference.


Thank you on both counts. I'll let this post fade into obscurity. I'll know better for next creative Sunday. I think you (or someone else) mentioned avoiding editing posts as much as possible as it re-pings everyone and can be seen as spammy. Besides it was just a fun fooling around with silly science experiment than something substantial.

Thanks for reading, replying and caring. I do appreciate it!

Side note: Someday perhaps you can show me how to tip people in Discord. I saw some of your messages with a tip command and that seemed like a great way to thank people who are doing good work. But for now....off to watch TV with my wife 😎

Have a great night .... and enjoy the AC 😉


They only get pings if you tag them like @terganftp. In your post you didn't tagged anyone.

It's too easy. Just dm tipcc bot and use help command.

