Tau, A villainous body protein in many books that might have been misunderstood


Phew! So Yeah, after reading this neuroscience-based article on Tau protein, which you most likely haven't heard of. I might be right or wrong regarding the "heard of" part, but it doesn't hurt to read on, if it does, let me know hehe.

So, here is the gist alright, there is this interesting protein called Tau in our body which you know has often been blamed for messing up our neurons, this and that blah blah blah, especially in conditions like Alzheimer’s. This protein, according to this article is now being portrayed as some kind of misunderstood hero, crazy. It’s like discovering that the office printer you’ve always cursed for jamming or malfunctioning at the worst possible times actually has a side hustle as a life-saving machine. Right

Image by PixiMe01 from Pixabay

Apparently, this Tau is out there forming lipid droplets in glial cells, which, if you’re like me and need the layman’s translation, are like tiny bubble wrap for the brain cells. These lipid droplets swoop in, scoop up the bad bad stuff (reactive oxygen species, or ROS if you’re fancy), and stash it away to a place where it can’t do any more damage.

But hold on, hold on a moment, because here’s where things get really kind of interesting. If Tau isn’t doing its job properly or maybe decided not to do it job properly let say, it’s mutated or just missing in action, those glial cells are left like a kid who’s lost their lunch money. They can’t form the lipid droplets, and suddenly, the brain is like, “Hey, where’s my protective bubble wrap?” The result? Neurons start throwing in the towel, and the next thing you know, you’re dealing with brain damage. It’s like Tau has this double personality disorder or something, one moment, it’s saving the day, and the next, it’s wreaking havoc.

As I read on and on, its almost impossible to not picture my brain as a tiny city, with Tau as the overworked yet essential sanitation crew. On a good day, they’re sweeping up the trash (a.k.a. , those pesky ROS), keeping everything clean and functioning. But give them a broken broom, or worse, no broom at all, and suddenly the city starts piling up with garbage, leading to chaos. And here’s whats more interesting, the study suggests that not only does this Tau need to be present, but it also needs to be in just the right amount. Too much or too little, and the whole system goes haywire. It’s like describing the perfect coffee, not too bitter, not too sweet, same goes for Tau. The wrong amount of Tau could mean neurodegenerative diseases knocking on those neuronal door. We cant have that can we ? Tau needs to be in the right amount or its gameover

Image by PixiMe01 from Pixabay

I have to say, it’s kind of a plot twist I didn’t see coming. Who knew that Tau, the same protein we’ve been shaking our fists at, could actually have a soft spot for protecting our brains? But like all good plot twists, this one leaves us with more questions than answers. Could we somehow harness this protective side of Tau to prevent neurodegenerative diseases? Is there a way to ensure it stays in its “good guy” role without turning into the villain?

While the researchers over at Baylor College of Medicine are undoubtedly working hard to figure this out, I’m left here contemplating how little we still understand about the brain. I mean, it’s like trying to put together a 1,000 piece puzzle with only 100 pieces. Every time we think we’ve found a corner piece, it turns out to be a part of the sky instead.

Image by Mahmoud Ahmed from Pixabay

In the meantime, I guess I’ll have to keep trusting my own Tau to do its thing. Although I might treat it a little nicer from now on, just in case it decides to save the day hehe

So, here’s to Tau 🥂 , the protein we love to hate, but maybe, just maybe, we should be thanking it instead. At least until the next plot twist.



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