Do you know there is this mental illness where people have an unconventional love/sexual attraction for dead bodies ? They call it ...


Now, there is an 80% chance that you clicked to read this post out of curiosity for the bizarre or strange, am I right or am I right? I mean who wouldn't want to know more after their curiosity has been peaked by an intro title that screams "Hey!!! You really want to find out what the fuss is all about" like a banshee on rampage? Well if that is the case, you won't be disappointed so read on

Now Today's post is gonna be all about NECROPHILIA (don't look up the meaning yet if you don't know, keep the curiosity undiluted)

With the meaning of NECROPHILIA still unknown, buckle up, or down maybe, let peek into the world of a man called Ed Gein, a.k.a the Butcher of Plainfield

Now Pay attention

You see there was this quiet little town in La Crosse Wisconsin back in the day. In this town was a fellow

Image by DigitalRoo from Pixabay

known as Ed Gein, a fella who's about as odd as a three-dollar bill. Now, Ed had a hobby, you see. But it wasn't your typical hobby like playing the piano or bird watching. Oh no, Ed's hobby was a tad more, let's say, unconventional. He had a thing for dead bodies. Yep, you heard me right. Dead bodies. Weird right? Well you are about to find out more

Now, you might be wondering how someone could get so fascinated with the deceased. Well, it all started with Ed's dear old ma according to reports. She was a real piece of work, let me tell you. She filled Ed's head with all sorts of crazy ideas from a very young age about the evils of the world and how women were nothing but trouble. Poor Ed ate it all up like it was Thanksgiving dinner.

So, fast forward a bit, and Ed's all grown up, living on his family farm, minding his own business, or so it seemed. But behind closed doors, Ed's got a little workshop going on, and it's not for woodworking, if you catch my drift. No sir, Ed's workshop is where he turns his morbid fantasies into reality.

You see, Ed had this thing called NECROPHILIA which is just a fancy way of saying he had a hankering for the deceased, yes the dead. He'd sneak out to the local graveyard under the cover of darkness, dig up some poor soul's remains, and then bring them back to his place for a little DIY project. And what did he do with these dearly departed DIY projects, you ask? Well, let me paint you a picture.

Imagine walking into Ed's house and being greeted by a lovely decor of human bones and skin.

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Skulls on the mantelpiece, femurs as curtain rods, you name it, Ed had it. And if you thought that was wild, just wait until you see his furniture. That's right, Ed was quite the interior decorator, fashioning chairs, lampshades, and even a wastebasket out of human skin. Talk about recycling! gone wrong.

But Ed's creativity didn't stop there. Oh no, he took things to a whole new level when he decided to make himself a little outfit out of his favorite material – human flesh. Yep, you heard that right. Ed fashioned himself a suit made entirely out of skin, because from his twisted perspective, nothing makes a fashion statement like wearing someone else's epidermis.

Now, you might be thinking, "How did Ed get away with all this?" Well, let me tell you, he was a crafty one, that Ed. Whenever someone got a little too curious about his hobbies, he'd just flash them a smile and spin them a yarn about how he was just a harmless old fella who liked to keep to himself. And believe it or not, people bought it! I guess they never suspected that the sweet old man next door was busy turning corpses into home decor.

But all good things, or in this case all bad things must come to an end, and Ed's reign of terror was no exception. Eventually, the law caught wind of his shenanigans, and let me tell you, they were not amused. They slapped the cuffs on old Ed and sent him behind bars faster than you can say "creepy."

Image by Contaminazionivisive from Pixabay

And that's where he stayed until the end of his days where he died of respiratory failure. He was eventually labelled to have a mental health condition , a quite strange and mysterious one called Necrophilia

But, what exactly is necrophilia? Lets break down

Necrophilia is a sexual attraction to dead bodies. Yes, you heard that right – people actually have a hankering for the cold, stiff, and lifeless.

Now the question is, why in the world would someone be attracted to a corpse, you ask? Well, there are a few theories floating around. Some experts believe that it stems from a deep-seated mental disorder, while others think it could be linked to childhood trauma or even just a simple case of curiosity gone terribly wrong.

Image by Ivana Tomášková from Pixabay

But let's not get too bogged down in the why – let's move on to the what. What actually happens in a necrophilic encounter? Well, it typically involves some pretty disturbing behavior, such as sexual acts with the deceased, fondling of body parts, and even sometimes full-blown relationships with corpses. I know, I know, it's all quite unsettling, but hey, you asked for the breakdown.

At the moment, Things doesn't end at just being a necrophilia, Yes, like it or not, there are actually different types – who knew, right? The most common type is known as

  • "Regular necrophilia," which involves the aforementioned sexual acts with dead bodies.

  • Then there's what's known as "necrophilic fantasy," where the individual is only attracted to the idea of having sex with a corpse, but doesn't actually act on it.

  • And finally, there's "role-playing necrophilia," which involves pretending to be a corpse during sexual encounters

I know, it's all a bit out there, but hey, that's the world of necrophilia for you.

Now, let's address the big question on everyone's minds – is Necrophilia illegal? Especially when they dont actually kill someone just like Ed Gein did ?

Well, that depends on where you are. In most places, necrophilia is considered a criminal offense and is punishable by law. However, there are some countries and states where it's not explicitly illegal, which is a whole other can of worms. But lets not open that can of worm in this post .

Let's talk about treatment. Can necrophilia be treated?

Image by Victoria from Pixabay

Well, that's a tricky one. Some experts believe that therapy and medication can help individuals with necrophilic tendencies, while others think it's a lifelong struggle that can't be fully cured. But hey, at least there's hope, right? Believe it or not, there are actually people out there who have necrophilic fantasies but don't act on them. They keep their desires strictly in the realm of the mind, which is probably for the best.

There it is people – a breakdown of necrophilia in all its strange and horrifying glory with brief story of Ed Gein to spice thing up. I hope you found this little journey into the world of the dead both informative and somewhat entertaining, that was the goal. And remember, if you ever find yourself with a hankering for the cold and lifeless, just maybe seek out some therapy instead.

On a lighter note, try taking a stroll through the local graveyard at midnight. Who knows, you might just bump into old Ed himself, still hard at work on his next masterpiece. But fair warning – you might want to bring a change of underwear, just in case.

Stay legally weird, my friends


The whole story of Ed Gein reminded me of something which honestly I have been forgetting of late; never judge a book by its cover. After all, you never know what kind of skeletons – quite literally – someone might have hiding in their closet.

Image by Milos Duskic from Pixabay

Thanks for Reading




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