The best transportation in history takes another leap


The best transportation in history takes another leap

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Breaking his own record.

In February of this year, the Chinese Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation surprised the world with the tests of the first stage of an Ultra-high-speed maglev train designed to travel inside a low vacuum tube.

This system reminiscent of the hyperloop concept idealized by Elon Musk reached an impressive 623 km/h and a track of only 2 km in length, now the UHS has returned to the headlines by carrying out new tests with the T-fight and the results are nothing less . How incredible according to the operators all the train systems were operating nominally and the speed and suspension height were perfectly aligned with the predefined values.

But what makes this project so fascinating.

Unlike traditional trains the T-flight literally floats in the air without any physical contact with the Rails, thanks to magnetic repulsion this completely eliminates friction and wind resistance, especially and a partial vacuum environment where the resistance of the air is almost non-existent.

Imagine a train that can travel 100 km between Beijing and Shanghai in just an hour and a half. That is less time than many commercial flights take to cover the same distance and that is the promise of this technology and it does not stop there. UHS has plans. ambitious for the future the next phase of testing promises to reach a speed of 1000 km/h and a track 60 km long and who knows in the future the T-fight could even break the 4,000 km/h barrier as plans suggest company originals.

We are facing a technological advance that could redefine the way we think about long-distance travel, will the T-Flight be the beginning of a new era in global transportation, it cannot be said with certainty, but it seems that the future has arrived and pardon the pun it's faster than we ever imagined imagine.

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The world of transportation is really moving at a very fast pace and I am really loving this. In fact I strongly believe that this is actually the starting point. We will see more developments coming up and taking massive shapes
