The Perseverance rover's sampling strategy


The Perseverance rover's sampling strategy


The Perseverance Rover is collecting samples from critical points on Mars, such as the rock that recently obtained biomarkers, that is very good, because the collection of samples, the typical collection of samples, whether on the moon or on Mars, is commanding A lander, which lands on the ground, takes a sample with one arm, right in the place where it landed, one meter or at most two meters away, depending on how long the arm is, and loads it into a rocket heading to the Earth, that was the case with the missions on the moon, another example, in China's latest missions.

Another way is that sample is analyzed in the same module, as in the case of the Viking missions, so you have to be very lucky to land in an interesting place and not to have altered the terrain with the braking reverses, which is another; But what perseverance does is collect strategic samples along its journey that already add up to quite a few kilometers, I understand this and I think it is magnificent.

What I don't understand is that he is leaving the samples on the ground, so that they can be collected years from now, maybe many years, as NASA's economic situation is, it will be many years, I just have to think about it a little, leaving samples over a distance of quite a few kilometers, leaving “little tubes” on a dusty planet with sand storms that can become global and that have already swallowed the Robert Opportunity and have disabled a Soviet probe so that these samples can be collected in several years by another Rober, which can go wrong, I don't understand this strategy.

I do not understand this strategy because the logical thing, what I understand should happen, is that the samples stay in the Rover, we are talking about a few kilos, and when it reaches the end of its journey, its useful life and before turning off, it leaves the samples on the ground, because this Rover runs on a nuclear battery.

All the samples would not be close, the tubes would be hundreds of meters or several kilometers away from each other and they would send to another Rover that they would send years later, and then take them to a launcher or a rocket to send them to Martian orbit and from there send them in a ship to earth.

What would seem logical to me would be that the samples were inside the perseverance, when the end of the life of the perseverance came before it turned off, I would leave the samples on the ground of course before it turned off or that they would be in a container, or that the Robert will remain next to the samples, to serve as a beacon for the Rover that arrives in years to recover those samples.

Perseverance is a huge Rover, no matter how many sandstorms there are, it is very very difficult for it to end up covered by sand, it would be something very strange, that is why it would serve as a beacon and even if it did not have enough energy, it would continue to send some electrical signal that could be located by which it can be located, I don't understand it.

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