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There is this saying that goes like this; "Everything that has advantages has disadvantages". It will be a lie if we say that science and technology hasn't helped the human race in tremendous ways. Sometimes, I wonder how our forefathers lived without all the things we have today and I wonder how we all would have coped without the things that we have access to, today. I am sure we would figure it out just like our fore fathers did, but it is just really good to be alive at this time. Science has improved standard of livng and has generally made our lives easier over the years.

However, there is no perfection in this field of science, they have their own flaws. In the process of exploration and constant development, there has been a lot of harmful advancements in science. One could even say they are doing too much lately. One of these cases is where people start altering a lot of things in their bodies through the help of science. To be fair, I have seen some people have really good and understandable reasons, but it is beginning to become a trend these days. People are doing bbls, changing their body colors with chemicals, and transitioning has been made possible today through science, by tampering with a lot of things in a person's body. I get that it is their choice, but the process being possible itself and made available to everyone is very wild.

Some people even do these things due to the trend, and now, everything is just so messed up and super confusing. I know there will be serious adverse effect of all these later in the future. Imagine people that bleach their skin these days to alter their natural colors; taking a kind of bath that I don't even understand and removing protective layers of their skin. These gets me so scared because are they not actually writing a letter to skin cancer that way? The really sad thing is that the effects will not show now, but later in the future.

The rate of people getting diagnosed with cancer has skyrocketed lately and we are losing brilliant and amazing people to that deadly disease. The one thing I generally want science to work on is the health sector. There are so many sick people in the world and developing a solution to all kinds of health problems will be really fascinating. Using cancer as an example, it has really gotten out of hand lately and even innocent kids are getting cancer and it is always painful to watch anyone go through that kind of pain, not to talk of little children. I did hear some rumours concerning the development of effective cure to cancer, but I do not want to believe it is true. I want to keep believing that scientists are actively working to make sure they develop a sort of cure as soon as possible. I really wish there will be a readily available cure for a almost all kinds of diseases.

Thank you for reading❤️

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You've spoken so well on this subject matter and I can't help but agree with you on this, the rise in body modification or getting out of hand and I'm really amazed by it, I think truely science needs to curb this aspect and focus on our health, medicine and way of curbing deadly diseases.


Honestly, they can not be encouraging things that are detrimental to us and still make it look like they are on our side. It is even so sad that it has become the order of the day now.


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That's a deeper insight about this subject matter. To know that kids nowadays suffer from cancer is disheartening. Look at our young ladies and how they are modifying their bodies all in the name of fashion..our forefathers didn't experience this.. science brought us to this point.. and I hope scientists Shou think and stop production on anything that could affect our health but rather focus on improving our health


I hope we get a cure for cancer soon. This have been moving strange since the introduction of some concept that I still don’t want to accept which this scientist made possible


I hope so too, because it is really getting way too much lately🥺
