Protect Your Kids from Peptic Ulcers


Hello StemSocial Community! Welcome to my blog. It has been a week since my nephew was feeling pain in her abdomen, was passing black stools and her body was sever anaemic.


My cousin-sister was very worried about her daughter. She discussed the matter with me. Being an elder member in the Family, I'm the responsible person for any emergency at my home. First I calmed her by giving hope that it is small matter and will be resolved soon but she needs patience. Later, I came to realise when I met with doctor that it is not really a simple matter and my nephew is diagnosed Peptic Ulcer which was a shocking news for my whole family. How a young girl can get Peptic Ulcer? It was a painful question in every mind at home.


What is Peptic Ulcer?

Peptic Ulcer shows any discontinuity in the continuity of stomach inner lining, Oesophagus and Small intestine. It is a big damage in Enteric System and can be lethal.



  • When too much Pepsinogen is released in its active form
  • When HCL started damaging to the inner mucosa

It is really painful and complicated situation when a peptic Ulcer is developed. Any hole in this inner lining can result into the death of the patient. Sometimes, a peptic Ulcer become cancerous and patient recovery chances become less than 1%.


When we examine a peptic Ulcer, it can have two types of nature.

  1. Gastric Ulcer
    A Peptic Ulcer limited to Stomach.
  2. Duodenal Ulcer
    A Peptic Ulcer limited to the upper part (duodenum) of small intestine

Both types are dangerous and have high mortality chances.


Signs and Symptoms:

  • Pain in lower abdomen
  • Sever Pain
  • Black feces or feces with blood
  • Burning in chest
  • Mucous Membranes become sever anaemic
  • Blockage in Small intestine




There are several confirmatory lab tests available around the World.

  • H-Pylori Test with stool or blood sample
  • Endoscopy
  • Barium swallow X Ray

These tests are essential to confirm and diagnosis abdomen discomfort and pain. We need to adopt hygienic condition during each test.

Causative Agents

  • H-Pylori Bacterium, very common in contaminated water
  • Long NSAID Administration
  • Too much protein intake
  • Spicy Food

For a proper relief from Peptic Ulcer, we need to remove the causative agent that looked impossible. We can prevent from Peptic Ulcer complications by taking healthy Precautionary measures from Health care staff.


  • Antibiotics although they are banned in many countries
  • Proton Pump Inhibitors that stops HCL formation in complicated situation
  • H2- receptor Antagonist
  • Antacids

Although these medicines are easily available on store but we should use medicine on doctor's prescription. There are different set protocols for different diseases in different countries hence we should understand the situation completely before taking any decision.


Peptic Ulcer is one of the reasons that resulted into the high mortality rate. During eating or drinking, we should take care and must avoid Alcohol Consumption. We should avoid spicy food consumption. If we can't keep ourselves away from spicy food then we should take it after months. Moreover, a good health demands a good look after. Hence, we should avoid any spicy food. We should protect ourselves from these sorts of ulcer. Good management steps can save us from a big tragedy. After two weeks medication and with proper care, my nephew is recovered from this deadly problem. I have read a lot about it and you need to take protective measures if you didn't want to get Peptic Ulcer infection. This is all about Peptic Ulcer, don't forget to appreciate me. Thanks!


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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Hmm! So sorry about that, little girl.
Thanks for the information, We learn every day


It is good to know, you are learning. Thanks!
