Kind of mind blown with this video. Watch it to your hearts content.

I'll make this brief.

I am listening to this with an open mind and I am still confused. I will have to watch this over and over again and this guy is starting to make some sense to me. I think the ability to have the time to think things through from his resources through his acting career, is also the reason his theories are contentious to scientists.

So intriguing to me. I love this kinds of out of the box thinking or is it out of the box thinking, it could be a new discovery that was something lost in translation by times passing.

Oh I said I'll make it brief so here's the ending.

I think it would be good if we watched this all and tell me what you think if you have not seen or heard of this topic from a different perspective.

Established norm.

We all want to know the truth.

It's out there. And I am being guided in small steps.

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